2023 Project Recap
2023 was an extremely busy year, with several urgent projects requiring completion before the winter season. NYWD staff worked extremely hard to complete these projects before year-end. Following is a synopsis of the major projects accomplished in 2023.
Hell 4 Stout Flume Replaced with New Siphon

The Hell 4 Stout Flume was in dire need of replacement to ensure water could continue to be delivered to the treatment plant during the winter cycle. It was imperative that the project be completed and operational before the first snow. We are excited to report the team did it! The project was completed and was operational just in time for the first snowfall! This replacement will protect our system from wildfires, natural disasters, falling trees and rocks, and help guarantee the delivery of water to our district. Thank you to the Yuba Water Agency for their help with this emergency project.

Challenge Redwood Tank Replacement
The Challenge Redwood tank was beyond repair and needed replacing. Again, thanks to a grant from the Yuba Water Agency, the tank was replaced with a new bolted steel tank. The redwood was preserved and will be used to create a model tank for decorative and educational purposes.
Forbestown and Backerby Tank Repair
These tanks were in poor condition and in need of repair. Thanks to a grant from the Yuba Water Agency, we were able to replace the tank liners to extend tank life for several more years and quickly get the tanks back into service.
Additional Projects
Shotcrete for Seepage Mitigation
To mitigate water seepage and improve irrigation delivery, we embarked on projects this past spring and fall to shotcrete over 12,000 linear feet of the Forbestown and Dobbins Oregon House irrigation ditches.
Indiana Ranch Siphon Valve
The valve on the Indiana Ranch Syphon was replaced after the end of the irrigation season. This valve had been leaking for over a decade.
Treatment Plant Aerators
New aerators were installed in the treatment ponds to help improve water quality. The aerators mix the water layers, top and bottom, to ensure that even in the late summer heat, our water tastes fresh.
Parking Lot Lighting
A new light was recently installed in the NYWD parking lot to improve safety during the winter months for staff and customers visiting the office for meetings or other business.